DESSA project aims to develop an apprenticeship scheme for the acquisition of soft skills by students in upper secondary and higher vocational education and training with the help of a natural mentor.
VET students, in order to track their progress of soft skills during their apprenticeships.
Company mentors, in order to prepare an action plan together with the VET students, for the development of the soft skills that they lack.
Soft skills are regarded as generic, transferable, core or key skills, that can be applied across varied organisational and employment contexts and should be considered supplementary to established educational requirements (OECD, 2001 & 2012).
Soft skills are classified as “Key competences for lifelong learning” and can be divided into three main groups:
- Personal skills
- Social skills
- Content-reliant/Methodological skills

The objective of the self-assessment tool for soft skills is to detect the ones that you possess and the ones that you lack.

The self-assessment tool is accompanied by an orientation guide, with guidelines for the improvement of your soft skills.

Do you want to track the DESSA project progress and follow our activities? Follow the link bellow to learn more.
Friesland College – Netherlands –
Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri – Spain –
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi – Poland –
IDEC – Greece –
KSPMC – Lithuania –
IIEK DELTA – Greece –